Monday, June 1Tuesday, June 2Wednesday, June 3Thursday, June 4Friday, June 5Saturday, June 6Sunday, June 7
Monday, June 8Tuesday, June 9Wednesday, June 10Thursday, June 11Friday, June 12Saturday, June 13Sunday, June 14
Monday, June 15Tuesday, June 16Wednesday, June 17Thursday, June 18Friday, June 19Saturday, June 20Sunday, June 21
Monday, June 22Tuesday, June 23Wednesday, June 24Thursday, June 25Friday, June 26Saturday, June 27Sunday, June 28
Monday, June 29Tuesday, June 30
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The Daniel Cloud

My Schedule

MY LIFE IS SPECTACULAR!!! Period 1 - ELA Mr. Bradley
Period 2 - Science Mrs. Wilcox

Period 3 - Spanish SeƱora Mendez-Chicas
Period 4 - Tech Mr. Carb
Period 5 - Math Mrs. Benincase (A); Gym Mr. D'Andria (B)

Period 6 - Math Mrs. Benincase
MATH'S MY #1 FAVORITE SUBJECT!!! Period 7 - Lunch
Period 8 - STEM Mrs. Trojanowski (A); Humanities Mrs. Matzen (B)
Period 9 - Social Studies Mrs. Guerra

My life during quarantine may have been boring but I still have a family to get me and my sister throughout this tough time.
Throughout the first days, most of what I did was build forts, listen to music and watch TV.
Around the time of my mom's 43rd birthday, my sister and I started doing virtual school.

So far, I believe that the online school is a mixed-to-positive review.

I no longer build forts, but I still watch TV and listen to music at times.
Hopefully by May 11th, we can get back to traditional school.

    Daily Routine
  1. Wake up
  2. Eat breakfast
  3. Do schoolwork
  4. Eat dinner
  5. Go to sleep

Tech Class Website
Parent Portal
Contact Daniel Bauernfeind

Backpack Pencil Pen
Ruler Calculator Sharpie
Flash Drive Notebook Scissors